Celebrate Catholic Marriage by LIVING A LIFE OF FAITH. Choose trust in God's providence as a lifestyle.

On this step in the CCME journey, you are invited to have a prayerful conversation about trusting in God's providence in your life as a couple. Many times the Catholic family planning conversation is simply framed around a series of "don'ts". Use this opportunity to discover the array of organizations that give positive, and health-focused, guidance as you consider how to fully live a lifestyle of faith in your family.
This resource list aligns with the SIXTH of the seven themes in: The Seven Days to a Marriage Worth Celebrating Workbook.
Celebrate Catholic Marriage - Living a LIFE of FAITH.
1) Christopher West: The COR Project
Christopher West is an articulate and compassionate voice helping couples embrace the blessing of Pope Saint John Paul II's Theology of the Body. The modern world has sought – with rapid success – to redefine human sexuality. The result has been not only a new sexual ethic, but a new definition of our humanity and a new social order. Founded by Christopher West and inspired by John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, The Cor Project aims to reframe questions of human existence in such a way that the divine plan for man and woman can be perceived and embraced in all its beauty and splendor. This is a project of the heart (“cor” is Latin for heart), attracting men and women who are yearning for more than what our culture’s approach to happiness and fulfillment has to offer. Join the project!
2) TOBET: Theology of the Body Evangelization Team
TOBET provides original educational resources, presenting the truth of God’s design of the body to children, youth, and families, so that all will be transformed by Saint John Paul’s life-affirming message of the Theology of the Body. TOBET provides programs for adult individuals and couples as well.
3) Ruth Institute
The Ruth Institute is a global interfaith coalition equipping Christians to defend the family and build a civilization of love. Founded by world-renowned author, speaker and academic Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the Ruth Institute provides decades of research to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture, and other forms of family breakdown. Every child has a right to a relationship with his or her natural mother and father except for an unavoidable tragedy. A child is not a problem to solve if you don’t want one or an object to purchase if you do want one. The Ruth Institute upholds the ancient Christian teachings about marriage, family, and human sexuality.
4) Couple-to-Couple League
CCL strives to create a global community of inspired married couples supported in the lifelong practice of natural family planning. Learning and practicing NFP helps couples learn how to love one another fully and unselfishly. This translates into happy, stable marriages and families, open to life and sexual virtue. CCL offers practical support to help couples live the love they are called by God to experience as husband and wife.
5) Creighton Model
After thirty years of amazing research, the mysteries of the menstrual and fertility cycle have been unraveled through the CREIGHTON MODEL FertilityCare™ System (CrMS) and the new women’s health science of NaProTECHNOLOGY. Now, a woman can know her cycles and use this information for the maintenance of her health, and couples can use this knowledge to plan their family and build their future as a couple! The CrMS relies upon the standardized observation and charting of biological markers that are essential to a woman’s health and fertility. These ‘biomarkers” tell the couple when they are naturally fertile and infertile, allowing the couple to use the system either to achieve or to avoid pregnancy. These biomarkers also telegraph abnormalities in a woman’s health. The CrMS allows a woman to unravel the mysteries of the menstrual cycle.
6) The Marquette Model
The Marquette Model offers couples 21st-century NFP technology using urine fertility biomarkers collected at home to measure hormone levels. These biomarkers can be used in conjunction with cervical mucus or basal body temperature and an algorithm to confidently determine the woman’s fertility.
7) Ascension
Discovering God's Master Plan for your Life: An Introduction to the Theology of the Body is an eight-part, four-hour study designed to give you a solid understanding of God’s plan for humanity. It addresses the two most fundamental and universal questions:
What does it mean to be made human, male and female, in the image and likeness of God?
How can I live my life in a way that brings happiness and fulfillment?
This is an easy-to-access study to help couples understand the Theology of the Body and see how it helps them reach their full potential in this life.

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Celebrate Catholic Marriage Experience to a parish or group:
314.807.8591 or zip@matermedia.org
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